Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays!! More Cartoons!

OH YEAH!! Who else had an AWESOME Christmas?

I got the COMPLETE SERIES of Teen Titans on DVD this Christmas! For you guys, that means higher picture quality when I post snapshots to make fun of, for me that means I get to be an utter dork about the special features. SQUEEEE!!! I'm going back through most of what I've already seen this morning, and there is no comparison DVD to YouTube (though I am still very grateful for the people who posted the episodes online)

Here's Proof
I also got the first season of Young Justice, and I think I know what I'm going to review after I'm finished with Teen Titans!! (More DC Cartoon Awesome? Why yes, of course, I am an utter nerd for DC, after all)

So I hope you all enjoy the rest of the holidays as much as I am!

Oh yeah, and I also got the most recent manga installment of Higurashi and all of Madoka Magica's manga, but I think that I'm probably going to change the focus of this blog from Anime to western cartoons or superheros or something. (As you can see, the name has been changed to Sarah's Geeky Blog instead, don't worry, I still love anime, I'm just too busy geeking out over DC right now.)

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